API Response Details

Learn more about response structure and availability.

Depending on your subscription plan and the options you choose for your API request, the Geolocated.io API will respond using a series of different modules and objects. The response is comprehensive, ensuring that you receive an array of geographical and network-related information that's both relevant and precise.

Availability Indicators

When browsing the API response objects, you'll notice an availability column. This is to help you understand which subscription plan offers which fields and associated nested details. Here's a breakdown of what each indicator means:

  • All: When a field is marked with All, it means that this field, including its nested fields (unless specified otherwise), is available across all subscription plans.
  • Specific Name: If a field is labeled with a specific plan name, e.g. Scale, it signifies that this field and its associated nested fields (unless specified differently) are accessible to all subscribers with plans starting from Scale and above. However, it won't be available for the plans below Scale.

By consulting the availability column, you can easily determine which data fields are included in your chosen subscription plan. Make sure to upgrade or adjust your plan accordingly if you require additional data fields that are not available in your current plan.

Response Object

The following table contains the complete list of all available fields in the API response object.

Field NameData TypeDescriptionAvailability
ipStringThe IP address being queried.All
typeStringType of IP address: either IPv4 or IPv6.All
continentCodeStringTwo-letter code representing the continent of the IP address.All
continentNameStringName of the continent corresponding to the IP address.All
countryCodeStringTwo-letter ISO code of the country where the IP address is located.All
countryNameStringName of the country corresponding to the IP address.All
regionNameStringName of the region or state within the country of the IP.All
regionCodeStringAbbreviated code of the region or state.All
cityNameStringName of the city where the IP address is located.All
districtStringName of the district or sub-region within the city.All
latitudeNumber (Float)Geographical latitude coordinate of the IP address.All
longitudeNumber (Float)Geographical longitude coordinate of the IP address.All
zipCodeStringPostal or ZIP code for the location of the IP address.All
timeZoneStringTime zone in which the IP address's location falls.All
iddCodeStringInternational direct dialing code for the country of the IP.All
weatherStationJSON ObjectDetails of the nearest international weather observation station, as used by The Weather Channel (weather.com), Yahoo! Weather and many more.Scale
weatherStation.codeStringThe weather observation station code.
weatherStation.nameStringThe name of the weather observation station.
airportJSON ObjectDetails of the nearest airport to the IP address's location.Scale
airport.nameStringName of the nearest airport to the IP address.
airport.regionStringRegion or state where the airport is located.
airport.iataStringInternational Air Transport Association code for the airport.
airport.icaoStringInternational Civil Aviation Organization code for the airport.
countryJSON ObjectComprehensive details about the country related to the IP address.Scale
country.commonNameStringCommonly recognized name of the country.
country.officialNameStringOfficial, formal name of the country.
country.capitalStringCapital city of the country.
country.flagStringURL to the flag image of the country.
country.flag_emojiStringEmoji representation of the country's flag.
country.isoCodeJSON ObjectSet of international standard codes representing the country.
country.isoCode.numericNumberISO 3166-1 numeric code for the country.
country.isoCode.alpha2StringISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (two-letter) code for the country.
country.isoCode.alpha3StringISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (three-letter) code for the country.
country.demonymStringNationality or the term used to describe the people of the country.
country.iddCodeStringInternational direct dialing code of the country.
country.populationNumberPopulation of the country.
country.totalAreaNumberTotal land area of the country in square kilometers.
country.tldStringTop-level domain associated with the country (e.g., .us, .uk).
country.isInEuropeanUnionBooleanIndicates if the country is a member of the European Union.
country.geoNameIdNumberID of the record in GeoNames database associated with the country's name.
country.timezonesArray of StringsNames of timezones, in the IANA Time Zone Database, in which the country falls.
country.languagesArray of JSON ObjectsList of languages spoken in the country.
country.languages.nameStringEnglish name of language.
country.languages.alpha2StringTwo-letter (ISO 639-1) code for the language.
country.languages.alpha3StringThree-letter (ISO 639-2) bibliographic code.
country.continentJSON ObjectDetails about the continent where the country is located.
country.continent.nameStringName of the continent where the country is located.
country.continent.codeStringTwo-letter code representation of the continent.
country.continent.regionStringSpecific region of the continent where the country resides.
country.neighboursJSON Array of StringsList of two-letter country codes representing the neighbouring countries.Premium
currencyJSON ObjectInformation related to the country's official currency.Scale
currency.nameStringName of the country's official currency.
currency.codeStringISO code representation of the country's currency.
currency.symbolStringSymbolic representation of the country's currency.
timeZoneInfoJSON ObjectComprehensive details about the time zone associated with the given IP address.Premium
timeZoneInfo.zoneNameStringThe name of the time zone.
timeZoneInfo.abbreviationStringAn abbreviation representing the time zone, like "MST" for Mountain Standard Time.
timeZoneInfo.currentTimeStringThe current time in the specified time zone, formatted as an ISO date-time string.
timeZoneInfo.currentTimeEpochNumberThe current time in the specified time zone, as UNIX epoch.
timeZoneInfo.gmtOffsetNumberThe offset in seconds from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
timeZoneInfo.isDaylightSavingBooleanIndicates whether Daylight Saving Time (DST) is in effect or not.
timeZoneInfo.sunriseStringThe local time of sunrise in 24-hour format.
timeZoneInfo.sunsetStringThe local time of sunset in 24-hour format.
connectionJSON ObjectDetails regarding the connection associated with the IP address.Premium
connection.ispStringInternet Service Provider handling the IP address.
connection.organizationStringName of the organization associated with the IP, if applicable.
connection.asnNumberAutonomous System Number representing the ISP.
connection.asStringName of the Autonomous System (typically, the ISP).
connection.connectionTypeStringType of connection, e.g., "Corporate", "Residential", etc.
connection.userTypeStringType of user, indicating the nature of IP usage, such as "hosting", "ISP", etc.