Error Codes

Learn more about error codes and how to resolve them.'s API communicates the outcome of your requests using standard HTTP response codes. These codes are designed to inform you immediately about the success or failure of your API call.

  • 2xx Codes signify successful requests. For example, a 200 OK response indicates the operation was successful, and the requested data is included in the response payload.
  • 4xx Codes highlight errors caused by the request sent from the client side. These errors can stem from various issues, such as incomplete or incorrect data provided in the request. Here are common scenarios:
    • A 400 Bad Request error may indicate a missing required parameter.
    • A 404 Not Found error suggests that the requested API endpoint does not exist.
  • 5xx Codes indicate problems on the server side, meaning the issue lies with's infrastructure. While these occurrences are uncommon, they are not impossible. A 500 Internal Server Error, for instance, signals a broad server-side issue that needs addressing by our team.

In addition to the HTTP response codes, our APIs provide specific error codes within the response body to offer clearer insights into the nature of the issue encountered. Each error code is a concise string accompanied by a brief explanation. This approach allows you to quickly identify the root cause of an error and take the necessary steps to address it. The following is a comprehensive list of potential error codes you may encounter, complete with detailed information for each.

StatusError CodeDescription
400invalid_ip_addressThe IP address provided is not in a valid IPv4 or IPv6 format. Ensure the IP address adheres to standard formatting.
400invalid_batch_request_formatThe batch request does not conform to the expected JSON array format. Ensure the input consists of a valid JSON array of IP addresses.
400too_many_ipsThe batch request contains more than the permissible limit of 25 IP addresses. Reduce the number of IPs in the request and try again.
401missing_api_keyThe required api-key query parameter is absent in the request. Include this parameter with a valid API key for authentication.
401invalid_api_keyThe provided api-key does not match any existing user account. Check the API key for any inaccuracies or consult the account dashboard.
403no_subscriptionThere is no active subscription associated with the provided credentials. An active subscription plan is required to access the API's features.
403subscription_expiredThe subscription to has expired. Renewal or purchase of a new subscription is required for continued service access.
403origin_not_allowedThe origin of the preflight request is not part of the approved CORS domain list. Ensure the request is being made from an authorized domain or update the domain list if necessary.
403feature_not_availableThe specific endpoint or the module is not available under current subscription level.
404no_such_api_existsThe requested API endpoint is either invalid or does not exist. Verify the endpoint's path and check the documentation for available endpoints.
429rate_limit_exceededThe allowable request frequency per minute for the current subscription level has been surpassed.
429daily_limit_exceededThe daily allowance of requests for the current subscription level has been exhausted.
500unexpected_api_server_errorSuggests a temporary problem within our server infrastructure or an unforeseen error in handling your request. We recommend retrying your request after some time.